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Ingrid in the News

Residents gather for Town Hall meeting with Burnett
Roughly thirty residents gathered Thursday evening, Jan 3, to attend a Town Hall meeting with District 19 State Representative Ingrid Burnett. She discussed the upcoming legislative session and addressed concerns from citizens.

Every Problem Is An Opportunity In Disguise
When I was growing up, my father had this John Adams quote prominently displayed in his home office. Although he probably posted it as a reminder to himself, it also resonated with his eight children. It certainly did with me.

Discussing Missouri’s 19th District
On this week’s episode of the Northeast Newscast, we are speaking with Representative Ingrid Burnett.
Burnett represents the 19th District, which encompasses the Northeast area of Kansas City, parts of Sugar Creek, Independence, and Jackson County in the Missouri House of Representatives. She was elected to her first two-year term in November 2016.

Taking a Stand Against Breed Discrimination
Two years after Springfield voters rejected a city pit bull ban, Missouri lawmakers are looking to end breed-specific rules everywhere else.
“When you have a dog that’s a part of your family and has shown no inclination at all to hurt anybody, to just discriminate against that dog because it looks like a certain breed is wrong,” Burnett said.
More News
Missouri children are waiving their right to legal counsel. That’s a problem, says Burnett. Read More.
Missouri reviewing ways to boost mental health services in schools. Read more.
Paid for by Ingrid Burnett for Missouri, John Burnett treasurer.